In the third quarter of 2022, online consumer spending in the Netherlands increased slightly. In total, Dutch consumers spent €7.2 billion online in Q3 2022, 4% more than in Q3 2021. This growth is caused by growth in online spending on services (+14%), driven by growth in package travel (+ 20%) and tickets for attractions and events (+19%). The number of purchases of services remains fairly stable (+1%), but because consumers buy fewer products, the total number of online purchases is falling (-5%) compared to Q3 2021. This is evident from the most recent version of the Thuiswinkel Market Monitor, the research into online consumer spending in the Netherlands. This research is being carried out by GfK, commissioned by and co-client Retail Insiders and in collaboration with PostNL, the Dutch Payments Association and Currence.
Where last year in Q3 almost three times as many package holidays were bought as in the previous year, growth has stabilized this year. “In 2021, society reopened from June on and consumers travelled abroad en masse again. The online services then really took off and are now stabilizing at that level,” says Marlene ten Ham, director at the Dutch “If we compare the figures to recent quarters, we see a less extreme growth in total spending and a less extreme decline in the number of purchases. The extremes we have seen in the past two years are now finally over. If we look back at 2019, before corona, the number of purchases and online spending of both products and services are now on average higher,” says Ten Ham.
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Average amount spent per purchase higher
More will be spent per purchase in Q3 2022 than in Q3 2021: the average amount spent per online purchase will increase by 9%. This is mainly due to the average amount spent per purchase of services: tickets for attractions and events increased by 21%, package holidays by 14% and individual airline tickets and accommodations by 8% compared to last year. Additionally: inflation has of course been through the roof.
Cross-border spending is on the rise
Cross-border e-commerce has increased by 12% compared to the third quarter of 2021. This is due to spending on services rising by 28%, mainly due to spending on package holidays and separate airline tickets & accommodations abroad. “Most cross-border spending takes place within Europe, but we see the share of non-European countries in cross-border spending on services increasing in Q3. For example, the Dutch spent more online on services in the US,” says Ten Ham. Cross-border spending on products is stable.
Smartphone increasingly popular, iDEAL most used payment method
In the third quarter of 2022, 87% of the Dutch (15+) made a purchase online, a similar share to last year. The desktop and laptop remain the dominant devices for online shopping, but the smartphone share is increasing compared to last year. iDEAL is still by far the most used method of payment for making online purchases, although its share has fallen slightly (from 71% to 69%). Credit card and Klarna increase their share (both +1%). Credit card is growing fastest in purchases of individual airline tickets and accommodations, while Klarna is growing in clothing. Growth in the credit card share is also due to the increase in cross-border purchases, but iDEAL remains the most used payment method there too.